Ancient Greece Art Gallery
The etchings below are approximately 135 years old.
Battle of Marathon
Theseus and Aegeus
The Theseum at Athens
Temple of Olympia
The Dromos in Sparta
General View of Sparta
Aristomenes Fighting His Way Out of Ira
Clisthenes at the Olympic Games
Slaughter of the Pisistratidae
Temple of Paestum
Xerxes Crossing the Hellespont
Greek Triremes at the Battle of Salamis
The Spartans at Platea
Death of Pausanias
The Interior of the Parthenon
Theatre of Dionysus at Athens
Pericles Delivering the Funeral Oration over the Athenians
The Piraeus With the Long Walls
Retreat of the Athenians from Syracuse
Death of Alcibiades
Socrates Drinking the Hemlock
The Death of Sardanapalus
Battle of Cunaxa
Interview Between Agesilaus and Pharnabazus
Pelopidas Leading the Thebans at the Battle of Leuctra
The Macedonian Phalanx
An Oration of Demosthenes
The Thebans and Macedonians at Chaeronea
The Banquet of Philip
Map of Alexander's Campaign
Alexander and the Body of Darius
The Defeat of Porus by the Macedonians
The Macedonians Crossing the Jaxartes