Billy the Kid
Billy the Kid was born Henry McCarthy on November 23, 1859, in the state of Missouri. He stood 5 foot 9 inches tall and weighed approximately 155 pounds. Billy had blue eyes, dirty blond hair, and had two front teeth that protruded. He wore a high-crowned sombrero with a green hatband and was right-handed. Billy also spoke fluent Spanish, was of above average intelligence, and was a born leader. His mother married William Antrium on March 1, 1873, and at this time he adopted his new father's last name. Billy the Kid's life of crime started soon after his mother died of tuberculosis on September 16, 1874. He was arrested for the first time for stealing clothes almost one year after her death, and he promptly escaped. At this time Billy went to Arizona where he became known as “The Kid.”

Buffalo Bill
William F. Cody was born in Scott County, Iowa, in 1846. At the age of 14 he began riding for the Pony Express. Then by the time he was 16 years of age the Pony Express was out of business. Following the failure of the Pony Express Cody signed on as a private with the 7th Kansas Regiment of the United States Army. Then after the conclusion of the Civil War, Cody signed on with the 7th Cavalry. At the time the Sioux were straying from their reservation and General Custer wanted them rounded up and brought back. Cody fought in several conflicts with Custer.

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Butch Cassidy's birth name was Leroy Parker. He was born in Circleville, Utah in 1866, the oldest of 7 children. His father was an elder in the Mormon Church. Butch Cassidy never killed anyone, and the Sundance Kid killed only one person. They were two of the principle leaders of a notorious group of bandits who were called the “Wild Bunch” or the “Hole in the Wall Gang.” The Wild Bunch operated out of a rugged region of Utah that was filled with swift rivers and towering canyons that became known as the “Hole in the Wall.” At its height, the gang was known to have numbered as many as 100 men.

Dalton Brothers
Emmett, Bill, Grat, and Bob Dalton held up gambling establishments, and then ventured into train robbing. Before long they were indicted for robbing the Southern Pacific Railroad. The indictment forced the Dalton’s to go into hiding because several posses were looking for them. They next robbed the MK&T Railroad which was loaded with cotton money that was destined for Texas banks. This haul got them almost $11,000.

Doc Holliday and Wyatt Earp
Doc Holliday was born in Griffin, Georgia in 1851. His nickname of “Doc” came from his dentistry practice. In those days unhealthy teeth were extracted or pulled. He left Griffin after killing 3 African-Americans who were swimming in his swimming hole. At the time the authorities refused to prosecute him for the murders. He met Wyatt Earp and Katherine Elder in Fort Griffin, Texas. Katherine was his constant companion and a career prostitute. Doc made more money during his life from playing poker than working as a dentist. He was a heavy drinker who had a chronic cough which was the result of contacting tuberculosis at an early age.

James Boys
Jesse James was born on September 5, 1847, in Kearney, Missouri. His older brother Alexander Franklin "Frank" James was born three years earlier. Their father Robert was a hemp farmer and Baptist minister who helped found William Jewell College. During the Civil War Frank joined the Confederate Army. At the time he was only 16 years old, but Frank saw extensive action. His battlefield experience included the horrific Battle of Wilson Creek. When Frank returned home he was arrested by Union soldiers. The soldiers stopped just long enough to beat Jesse senseless. After recovering from his injuries, Jesse joined the outlaw gang that was headed by William Clark Quantrill. Then when Frank was released on parole, he and his cousins Jim and Cole Younger also joined the gang. Soon afterward, the Younger home was burned and their father Colonel Henry Younger was murdered by Union sympathizers.

John Chisum
John Chisum was born in Madison County, Tennessee, on August 15, 1824. He was 13 years old when his family moved to Texas near the Oklahoma border. Soon afterward he became interested in the cattle business. His first cattle drive was across the states of Louisiana and Alabama. Swamps, rivers, insects, and mud made the drive impossible and he was forced to give up. Chisum next entered into the political arena and he was elected to the position of Lamar County Clerk. While working as county clerk he met a financier named Stephen Fowler. Fowler was interested in investing in the cattle business, but knew nothing about it. After meeting John, he was impressed by his knowledge of the cattle business.

John Wesley Hardin
John Wesley Hardin was born on May 26, 1853, in Bonham, Texas. His father was a Methodist minister. John Wesley was probably the most dangerous of all of the gunfighters. The first man he killed was an African-American who refused to get off a public road when he passed. The killing was supported by his neighbors who did not consider it a crime. Hardin next ambushed three Union soldiers, killing them all. Soon after reaching 18 years of age, he was lured into a barn by a beautiful young girl with her boyfriend waiting to rob John Wesley of his money. Once he entered the barn the robber pointed a shotgun into his ribs and demanded his money. Hardin baited the robber by dropping money on the floor and when the robber bent down to get it he shot him dead.

Pat Garrett
Patrick Floyd Jarvis Garrett was born on June 5, 1850, in Chambers County, Alabama. He grew up on a farm in Claiborne Parish, Louisiana. Pat received little education as a child and could not read or write. He lost both of his parents at a very early age, and soon after moved to Texas. After arriving there he found employment as a buffalo hunter. When the buffalo had almost been completely eliminated Pat moved to Fort Sumner, New Mexico. There he found a job, married twice, and entered into the hog business. Not long afterward a rampaging sow almost killed him.

Wild Bill Hickok
Wild Bill Hickok was born on May 27, 1837, in Troy Grove, Illinois. His parents were very religious. Wild Bill fled Troy Grove after he mistakenly believed he had killed a man in a fist fight. He next turned up in Leavenworth, Kansas where he sold his services to a Kansas militia that was known as the “Freestaters.” Then in 1857, he worked as a teamster on the Santa Fe Trail, hunted buffalo, and soon after met Buffalo Bill.