Ancient Rome Art Gallery
Gauls in Rome
Marriage Life of Caius Gracchus
Geese of the Capital
Entry of Belisarius into Rome
Cicero attacking Catiline in the Senate
Temple of Fortune at Praeneste
Brennus at Rome
Temple of Concord
Temple of Chastity
Naval Battle off Cape Pelorus
The Vow of Hannibal
Vercingetorix before Caesar
The Sacrilege of Clodius
A Roman Triumph
Valley of Tombs, Near Norchia
The Appian Way at Rome
The Murder of Pompey
A Chariot Race in the Circus Maximus
The Attack of the Citadel at Carthage
The Death of Caesar
The Interior Atrium and Peristylium of Pansa's House at Pompey
A Tumult in the Forum at Rome
The Flight of Caius Gracchus
Temple of Segesta
Roman Augurs
The Death of Crassus
Caesar Possessing Himself of the Treasure in the Temple of Saturn
The Flight of Pompey from the Battlefield of Pharsalia
The Theatre at Aspendus in Pamphlia
Caesar Addressing the Malcontent Legions at Camp Martius
Circus Maximus
Pompey's Theatre
Scenary at Cape Misenum, Near Bale, Vesuvius in the Background
Nero Torches, Burning of Christians at Rome
Roman Soldiers Firing the Temple of Jerusalem
Forum and Column of Trajan
Reconstruction of the Mausoleum of Hadrian, Now the Castle of Saint Angelo
The Roman Forum
Portico of Octavia