Medieval Europe Art Gallery
The majority of these etchings were completed in France in 1770.
Crusaders on the March
The Battle of Sempach, Death of Arnold von Winkelried
Landing of Roger Guiscard in Sicily
Bannockburn, the Abbot of Inchaffray Blessing of Scots Before the Battle
The Death of Orri, King of Bavaria, Made Prisoner by the Muslims
Triumph Heraclius at Constantinople
Renier and his Wife Erembourg Substituted their own child for their Master's infant
Defeat of the Muslim Fleet before Constantinople
A Very Young Man is Lying Stiff, Perfectly White, His Hands Crossed
"Let Us Go Out. Come Now" -"No, I Tell You."
A Tournament in Old Nuremberg
Alfred the Great, Disguised as a Harper, playing before Guthrum
An Alchemist of the Middle Ages
Remember Me, and Be Valiant, Aimeri
Interior of San Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna
Roland at the Battle of Roncesvalles
Peter the Hermit Preaching the First Crusade
Crusaders Before Jerusalem
Crusaders Proclaiming Godfrey of Bouillon King of Jerusalem
I Will Not Rise Till You Have Forgiven My Mother
Wedding of the Adriatic
Bethrothal of Roland and Aude
Triumphal Entry of Richard I and Philip Augustus into Acre
Storming of Constantinople by Baldwin, Count of Flanders
Girard de Rousillon and his Wife in Retirement
Girard Exhorted by his Wife While Receiving the Messenger of Charlemagne
Odoacer and the Monk Severinus
William Tell in the Marketplace of Altdorf
The Mother Recognizes her Sons in the Castle
Castle of the Popes, Avignon
Renaud, a Workman at Cologne
King John at Poitiers
William of Orange Returning from Aliscans
Execution of Joan of Arc
Domestic Life in the Middle Ages
Louis XI visiting Cardinal Balue in the Iron Cage
The Restoration of the Children of Amile
The Great Duel Between Thierry and Pinabel
Before the Battle-The Mass
The Rescue of Oriflame
The Benediction at Aspremont
Tending the Wounded on the Field
Renaud de Montauban Rises from his Bier
The Dying Baron Requests a Song from his Daughters