Ancient Egypt by Walter Tyndale
Nefert Ari, Luxor Temple
Store of Nassan
Egyptian Traders
A Cheap Ride
Khan El-Khalil in Cairo
The Khan Khalil at Cairo
A Court Near El-Azhar
Suk Es-Selah in Cairo
A Lane Near the Gate of Zuweyla
Entrance to the Hareem
The Guardian of the Hareem
The Takhtabosh
A Cairene Cafe
A Courtyard in a Cairene House
The Tomb of Sheykh Abd-El-Deym
An Arab School
The Blue Mosque
Persian AlmsHouses
The Sheykh's Tomb at Cairo
The Fruit Stall at Bulak
Sphinx and the Pyramids of Gizeh
Aahmes, Mother of Hatshepsu, in the Temple of Der El-Bahri
The Jacaranda
The Ramesseum at Thebes
Statue of Ramses II, Luxor Temple
The Birth Colonnade in the Temple of Hatshepsu
The Colossi at Thebes
Senseneb in the Temple of Hatshepsu at Der El-Bahri
The Second Court of Medinet Habu
The Temple of Der El Medinet at Thebes
The Temple of Ramses III, Medinet Habu
The Ptolemaic Pylon, Medinet Habu
The Mosque at Kosseir
The Doorway in the Temple of Isis
The Temple of Nektenebo, Medinet Habu
Wall Painting in the Tomb of Nacht at Thebes
Offering an Image of Truth to Osiris
Isis Suckling Seti I, Abydos
Capitals in Hypostyle Hall at Karnak
The Sanctuary at Karnak
The Court of the Kiosque at Dendera
An Arab School