Egypt in the 18th Century Gallery by Luigi Mayor
View of the Nilometer
First and Second Pyramid of Gizah-Ancient Memphis
Top of the First Pyramid of Gizah
Passage from the Second to the Third Gallery in the Great Pyramid
Chamber and Sarcophagus in the Great Pyramid of Gizah
Head of the Colossal Sphinx
Entrance to the Sepulchral Chamber Near the Sphinx
Subterranean Chamber-near the Pyramids of Gizah
An Ancient Sarcophagus of Balsates-called the Lovers Fountain
Interior View of the Catacombs at Alexandria
The Obelisks at Alexandria-called Cleopatra's Needles
Pompey's Pillar
Ruins of the Gymnasium-Near the Canopic Gate of Alexandria
Granite Pillars of the Portico of Canopus in Ancient Alexandria
Ruins of the Ptolomean Library
A Mosque with an Antique Fragment in Old Alexandria near the Gate of Rosetta
Exterior View of the Ancient Wall of Alexandria-with Cleopatra's Needle
Sepulchres of Arabian Saints near Alexandria
Mosque of Abou-Mandour
The Town of Foua-on the Banks of the Nile
Gate of Grand Cairo-Arabian Architecture
Principal Square in Grand Cairo-with Murad Bey's Palace
The Mosque of Four Hundred Pillars at Cairo
The Lovers Fountain-with the Adjacent Mosque
Ruins in the Castle of Cairo-near Joseph's Hall
Joseph's Hall in the Castle of Cairo
Egyptian Antiquities in the Vestibule of a Country House at Bulac
An Arabian Summer House Upon Antique Fragments on the Canal of Menouf
The City of Menouf
Mamalukes Exercising in the Square of Mourad Bey's Palace
A Mamaluke Exercising
An Arab Sheik of a Village in Egypt
An Egyptian Ball-at Ned Sili
Ferry Boat near Nedssili
An Egyptian Bey
A Lady of Cairo
Egyptian Dancing Girls
An Egyptain Peasant and Family
A Bedoween Man and Woman
An Egyptian Herdsman
The Gate of Rosettain Alexandria