Egyptian Art Gallery by Jules Guerin/Maxfield Parrish
Men of Galilee
The Great Hall of Abydos
The Great Colonnade, Temple of Luxor
The Pool of Hezekiah, Jerusalem
Island of Philae
The Mosque of Omar
Temple of Karnak
The Sphinx
Pyramid of Ghizeh
The Columns of the Sun, Baalbec
Temple of Hathor, Denderah
Prayer in the Desert
Dead Sea and the Mountains of Moab
Temple of Kom-ombos
The Temple of Medinet-Abu
Rock Temple of Adusimbel
The Wilderness of Judea
The Damascus Gate, Jerusalem
The Housetops of Nazareth
The Ramesseum, Thebes
The River Jordan
Wayling Place of the Jews, Jerusalem
Garden of Gethsemane
Sweetmeat Bazaar, Damascus
The Temple of Deir-El-Bahari
Sacred Lake, Karnak
Pyramid of Sakara
Tiberius and Sea of Galilee
Moonrise Over the Great Pylon of Edfu
Pharoah's Bed, Philae
The Colossi of Memnon
The Court in the Temple of Edfu
The Court of Amenhotep II, The Luxor
Mount of Olives as Seen from Jerusalem
The Court of the Omayyade Mosque, Damascus
The Market Place, Damascus
The Temple of Bacchus, Baalbec
Seven Pools of Cintra by Maxfield Parrish
Villa Gori, Siena by Maxfield Parrish
The Little Princess by Maxfield Parrish
The Theatre Villa, Gori by Maxfield Parrish