Mexico Photoart of Hugo Brehme in 1925
Mexican culture had spread in successive waves from the high plateau districts to the lowlands. Thus we find names of villages and ranchos in an ancient Nahua dialect in the district of the Rio Panuco. The Pipils of Guatemala and Salvador and the now extinct Nicarao of Nicaragua, who spoke ancient Nahua dialects, are descendants of the Toltecs. It becomes evident that during these migrations older pre-Mexican tribes were partly scattered and partly squeezed in enclaves. This explains the patchwork appearance of the peoples and fractions of peoples which strike us when looking at the map of languages still spoken in Mexico.
A country-road on the Mexican plateau
A Jacal
Amecameca- Entrance to the Church
Amecameca- Guadalupe Chapel on the Sacro Monte
Ancient Spanish aqueduct of Los Remedios
Ancient Spanish aqueduct of Los Remedios 2
Aztec Calendar Stone
Cathedral of Campeche
Chalchicomula with the Peak of Orizaba
Chapultepec Castle
Church of Tepozotlan
Church of Tepozotlan 2
Churubusco Monastery
Cross-shaped subterranean- Guiaroo
Diorite head of the Goddess Coyolxauhqui
El Tajin near Papantia- State of Vera Cruz- Totonac Pyramid
Farm Labourers Harvesting Wheat
Guadalupe Hidalgo- Ascent to the Hill of Tepeyacac
Guadalupe Hidalgo-Fountain Chapel
Horse ride through Cacti
House dating from the colonial period in the north-east of the Capital
Huaxteca Native at the market in Tanlajas- Vera Cruz
Ixtacalco- Native children washing
Kivic- Yucatan
Lake Chapala
Lake Chapala fisherman
Lake Patzcuaro
Lake Patzcuaro 2
Making Tortillas
Mexico City, Entrance to the Sacranum at the east side of the Cathedral
Mexico City- Chapultepec Park- Philosophers' Avenue
Mexico City-Merced Monastery
Mezcal- Spirits distillery
Monastery ruins in the National Park Desierto de los Leones- View from the back
Nonoalco- Surroundings of Mexico
Oaxaca- Yoke of Oxen
Ox-cart with disc wheels
Picturesque corner in San Angel
Puebla- House in the Avenida 3 Oriente no. 1
Pyramid of Cholula
Pyramid of Xochicalco- Before the restoration
Ruins of Chichen Itza-Yucatan- El Castillo
Ruins of Chichen Itza-Yucatan- Las Monjas
Ruins of Chichen Itza-Yucatan- Temple of the ball game grounds
Ruins of Mitla
Ruins of Mitla- State of Oaxaca
Sacrificial altar of King Tizoc
Salinas de Tehuacan with Pilocereus Tetetzo
San Esteban- Surroundings of Mexico City
San Esteban- Surroundings of Mexico City 2
San Esteban- Surroundings of Mexico City 3
San Juan Teotihuacan-Pyramid of the Moon
San Juan Teotihuacan-Pyramid of the Sun
San Juan Teotihuacan- Sculptures on the side of the steps of the Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl in the center of the West Front
San Juan Teotihuacan- Stone sculptures on the west front of the Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl in the center of the Ciudadela
San Juan Teotihuacan- Stone sculptures on the west front of the Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl in the center of the Ciudadela 2
San Juan Teotihuacan- View of the Terraces of the Ciudadela
Santiago- Typical village street with giant cacti
Street in Amecameca with view of Popocatepetl
Surroundings of Tepepam with agave fields
Surroundings of Uruapam
Tamasopo- Sugar-cane harvest
Tehuantepec- Girls in traditional attire
Tlachiquero sucking pulque out of an agave plant
Tlacopan- Surroundings of Mexico City
Transport column in the interior
Uxmal- Yucatan- Interior of the ruins
Viga Canal
Women Washing Clothes in Street
Xicotepec- State of Hidalgo
Xochicalco- Part of the pyramid with feathered snake and hieroglyphics
Xochimilco- Blossoming chinampa
Xochimilco with the Swimming Garden
Xochipilli with mask