Native American Gallery by Edward Curtis
American photographer and ethnologist whose work focused on Native American cultures.
Bread Maker-Zuni tribe
Two Whistles- Apsaroke tribe
Gobuguoy, Walpi tribe
Swallow Bird- Crow tribe
Zuni Girl
Mother and Child-Ogalala tribe
Spotted Bull-Mandan tribe
Sitting Elk-Apsaroke tribe
Red Wing-Apsaroke-Crow tribe
Qahatika Water Girl, Arizona
Nayenezgani-Navajo tribe
Mosquito Hawk-Assiniboin tribe
Arikara Girl
Haschebaad--Navajo tribe
Fast Elk-Hexaka Luzahan - Lakota tribe
Eagle Child-Atsina tribe
Taos Woman
Bear's Belly-Arikara tribe
Bear Cut Ear-Crow tribe
Atsina tribe
Taos Lady
Sitting Bear-Arikara tribe
Yellow Horse-Yanktona tribe
White Duck-Hidatsa tribe
Apache Feast
En Al Leih
Apache Baby
Wolf, Which-Way, Fish-Shows, Lone-Tree, Child-in-the-Mouth, Medicine-Crow, Sitting-Elk, and Two-Whistles-Apsaroke tribe
Apsaroke Mother
Apsaroke Woman
Little Hawk-Brule tribe
Jicarilla tribe
"Jack" Red Cloud-Oglala tribe
White Shield-Arikara tribe
Arikara Medicine Fraternity- The-Prayer
Assiniboin Camp
Atsina Warriors
Awaiting the Scout's Return- Atsina tribe
Bad Lands- Sioux tribe
Before the Storm -Apache tribe
The Bad Lands- Sioux tribe
Encampment-Crow tribe
White Deerskin Dance outfit- Hupa tribe
Clothing & Dress- Crow tribe
Zuni Potter
Men on Horseback- Crow tribe
Dakota tribe
Eagle Catcher-Hidatsa tribe
Four Young Women Grinding Grain- Hopi tribe
Good Bear and Family- Hidatsa tribe
Snake Dancers-Hopi tribe
Yellow Owl- Hidatsa tribe
Hopi Village
Man Spear Fishing- Hupa tribe
A Man Spear Fishing- Hupa tribe
Gathering Saguaro-Maricopa tribe
Medicine Man-Navajo tribe
Mizheh and Babe
Mono Home in Sierra Nevada
Navajo Riders in Canyon de Chelly
On the Little Big Horn
On the War Path-Atsina tribe
Paviotso House at Walker Lake
Paviotso Man Carving Petroglyphs
Red Hawk-Oglala tribe
San Ildefonso Pueblo
San Juan Cleaning Wheat
Pueblo of San Juan
Sioux chiefs
6 Members of the Crow tribe
Calico-Oglala tribe
Achomawi Mother and Child
Bull Chief-Apsaroke tribe
Black Eagle-Assiniboin tribe
Acoma, New Mexico
Tesacod Canyon-Navajo on Horseback
Tesuque Buffalo Dancers
Nampeyo-Tewa Hopi Potter
The cliffs of Canyon de Chelly, Arizona
Two Dakota Sioux cutting meat