Pueblo Art Gallery
Pueblo woman baking in outdoor oven. Par-dah-weh; Southwestern U.S.
Second Mesa, Mishongnovi, Arizona
A daughter of Isleta
An elderly Pueblo man
An old Hopi house, Walpi, Arizona
Approach to a Pueblo village, Walpi, Arizona
Approach to a Pueblo village, Walpi, Arizona
Approach to Walpi, Arizona
Arizona Street scene in Mishongnovi - Second Mesa
A stove (made of stone and adobe) in Hopi land, Mouqi Indian Reservation, Mishongnovi - Second Mesa
Hopi Snake Dancer entering Kiva
Hopi Snake Dancers leaving the Kiva to perform the dance at the plaza
Mishongnovi main court
Mishongnovi street scene
Padre Jose
Photograph showing a woman with a ceramic pot
Photograph showing young men roping a cow
Pueblo settlements in Walpi, Arizona
Pueblo woman, seated, nursing a baby
Pueblo woman carrying a water pot on her head
Pueblo woman working with pottery
Photo showing two Pueblo natives grinding corn
The Antelope dance-Hopi dancers
Two Pueblo women grinding corn
Two Pueblo women baking bread in an oven
Two Santa Clara Pueblo natives, full-length portraits, facing front, standing in front of fence, New Mexico
Pueblo native kneeling, probably grinding grain on stone
Walpi street scene
Young Isleta water carrier talking with another young woman
Young Isleta woman standing with a ceramic pot
Young woman carrying a water pot on her head
Acoma from the church top
Acoma water girls
A Fiesta of San Estevan-Acoma
Pueblo Natives, Tesuqua
Shuati-Sia. Full-length portrait of a woman standing, facing front, with pot on head
Tull Chee Hah