Mesopotamia-Assyria Art Gallery
These are 200 year old etchings of 2,000 year old Mesopotamia and Assyria bas-relief.
A Goddess
Ashournazirpal offering a libation to the gods after his victory over the savage bull- British Museum
Ashurbanipal attacked by lions
Ashurbanipal in chase-British Museum
Ashurbanipal on his chariot- Louvre
Ashurbanipal's feast 2- British Museum
Ashurbanipal's feast 3- British Museum
Ashurbanipal's feast- British Museum
Ashurnasirpal offering a libation- British Museum
Assourbanipal hunting dog- British Museum
Bas-relief of Khorsabad- Louvre
Bas-relief of Sargon- Louvre
Bas-relief of Teglath Phalasar II-British Museum
Demons-Ashurbanipal's palace-British Museum
Eagle headed god-Louvre
Evening primrose hunting- British Museum
Fantasy animal- National Library (France)
Fragment of bas-relief-Louvre
Genius in the attitude of adoration-Louvre
Injured lioness- British Museum
King Sargon and his great visor-Louvre
Lion hurting- British Museum
Lion man- British Museum
Man-headed lion
Sargon in front of the sacred tree-Louvre
Sennacherib at the head of his army- British Museum
Stelae of Samas- British Museum
The royal procession of Sargon-Louvre
Tributaries bringing monkeys- British Museum
Tribute to Samas
Two fragments of the Balawat gates- British Museum
View of a palace
Winged bull- Louvre
Winged genius- Louvre