World Cultures in the 19th Century
African Girls of the Oua Kouafi
African King
Albanian Brigands, Albania
Aleuts, Siberia
Babylonian Merchants
Bonzes(Priests) in Village of Bassac, Burma
Buriats of Transbakalia, Tibet
Calmuck Man and Woman, Mongolia
Calmucks of the Don, Mongolia
Cannibals with Native Weapons, East Africa
Cossacks of Tsaidan and Tan to Russia
Courtlife of Madagascar Queen of Maheli and attendents, Madagascar
Tunguses, Siberia
Falconer of the Sheik, Hindu-Persian
Family of Samoyeds, Siberia
Family of the Burmese Frontier, Burma
Fish Merchants of Lisbon, Portugal
Government Court of the Sultan, Philippines
Hindu Princes, India
Inuit Woman, Alaska
Jew and Jewesses of Tangier
Kadin Number One, Turkey
Lamas of Ala-chan, Tibet
Magyars of Torotzka, Russia
Marketplace of Pager Alam, Siam
Marquesans and Idol, Polynesia
Marquesan Warrior with old man and woman, Polynesia
Metropolitan of St. Petersburg, Russia
Miners of Katar
Mutcheid of Tauris and his Officers, Persia
Nidus of the Plague, Yakut, Turkey
Northern Beluchs, Himalaya
Ostiaks of the Yenisei, Russia
Perso-Turkish on the Iranic Border
Polygamist Djoumba and his wives, Africa
Suliotes, Greece
The Opium Eaters, Turkey
Toda, India
Turkish Ladies Visiting, Turkey
Viceroy of Soo-Tchoo Tan, China
Women of Megara, Greece
Women Pounding Rice, Madagascar
Yakuts, Turkey
Yakut Woman, Turkey
Young Men of Tahiti, Tahiti
Young Woman of Sitka, Alaska
Young Woman of Tahiti, Tahiti
Inca Natives of Cuzco
Araucanian Encampment
Araucanian Sling and Harpoon