Remarkable Subjects of Greek History by Fulvia Bertocchi (1821)
After the battle of Salamis, Xerxes escapes in a fisherman's boat
Alexander and the family of Darius
Alexander at the Tomb of Achilles
Alexander covers the corpse of Darius
Alexander crosses the Granicus River first
Alexander cuts the Gordian Knot
Alexander defended by Clito at the battle of Granicus
Alexander faints while pulling out an arrow from his side
Alexander kills a lion
Alexander leads the Priestess to the Temple to get an answer from the Oracle of Delphi
Alexander prostrates himself in front of the High Priest
Alexander saddened over the death of Clito
Athenians will always be enemies of the Persians
Atuzia of Pisistrates wounding themselves
Cleobid and Biton tearing apart the chariot of their mother
Courage of Theban Temoclea
Darius betrayed
Darius escapes
Darius throws down his cloak, bow, and shield to flee
Death by Critias
Death of Alcibiades
Death of Clearec, Tyrant
Death of Hipparchus the Tyrant and of Hardmodius
Death of Masistio, General of the Persians
Death of Timofane, Tyrant of Corinth
Diogenes and Alexander
Hipparchus, Tyrant of Athens, offends his sister Harmordius
Pausanias kills Philip the Great
Pericles and Anaxagoras
Pisistrates enters Athens with the fake Minerva
Socrates, before dying, speaks with his friends about the immortality of the soul
Socrates and Alcibiades
Socrates defended by Alcibiades at the battle of Delos
Socrates defending Alcibiadeds at the battle of Pstidea
Socrates is advised by Crito to flee but he does not consent
Socrates takes poison
Theban Temoclea conducted to Alexander the Great
The Bones of Tesco, found in Scire by Cimone
The courage of an Athenian at the Battle of Marathon
Themistocles, honored by the Spartans
Themistocles, in the presence of Sewe in Greece
The Spartans were irritated by the proposal from the ambassador of Darius
Warning of unexpected attacks
Wounded Alexander loses his senses
Xanthippus, Father of Pericles, sees his dog followed him swimming to Salamis