Cortes and the Conquest of Mexico
Reception of Cortes by Montezuma
Cacique of Tabasco Presents Cortes with 20 female slaves
Typical Toltec Woman at the time of the Conquest
Teutile, Montezuma's Ambassador Quits the Spanish Camp
Charles V
Tiger Knight
Reception of Cortes by the Aztec dignitaries in Cholula
Cortes releases the imprisoned Cholulan Magistrates
First Meeting of Cortes with Emperor Montezuma
Montezuma and his wives, Imprisoned by Cortes
Cortes Marches out of Mexico
Montezuma mortally wounded on the battlements
Cortes fights for his life
Cortes' house in Mexico
Heroic Guatemotzin defends his country
Guatemotzin unable to stop his enemy
Father Olmedo celebrates mass
Cortes enters Toledo
Audience of Cortes with Montezuma
Aztec gentleman
Aztec soldier
Cortes arrives in Mexico
Cortes in Veracruz
Cortes meets with Montezuma
Cortes leaves Veracruz
Cortes sinking his ships
Cortes surrounds the Aztecs
Guatemozin brought before Cortes
Montezuma swears allegiance to Spain
Pedro de Alvarado
Portrait of Cortes
The Great Battle of Otumba
The Storming of the Great Temple
The Torture of Guatemozin
Zocalo in Mexico City, where Tenochtitlan once stood