South American Cultures in 1905
Native Couple from Quito Ecuador
Peruvian Native-Muleteer
Amazonian with Geometric Tattoos
Chuncho Native from Perena Valley Peru
Four Quechua Natives
Amazonias and Alligator
Amazonian Chief in War Dress
Amazonias Woman in Bark Clothing
Anuesha Woman of Peru
Aymara Culture at Lake Titicaca
Aymara Hut and Family
Aymara Reed Boats on Lake Titicaca
Aymara Women in Bolivia
Bahia, Brazil
Bolivian Woman in La Paz
Brazilian Cowboy
Chiraguana Culture in Bolivia
Chiraguana Family in Bolivia
Chiraguana Workers in Bolivia
Choroti Hunters in Bolivia
Chuncho Natives Along the Perene River in Peru
Coca Leaf Consumers
Cuzco, base of the Palace of Huayna Capac
Cuzco Inca Group Photo
Cuzco Inca Vendors
Cuzco Police Arrest Four Horse Thieves
Head Hunter Natives of the Upper Amazon, the one with the high hat is a shaman
House in Tiahuanaco Ruins
Inca Natives in Cuzco, Peru
Jivaros Culture in Ecuador; they cure and trade in human heads
La Paz Girl
La Paz Group
Laundry Work in Panama
Local Chiraguana Workers
Native of the Yungas, Bolivia
Native Village in Columbia
Oldest Man in Bolivia, direct Inca descendent
Pachitea Woman of Peru
Paraguayan Women
Pernambuco, Brazil
Peruvian Natives Hunting Orchids
Plowing the Fields in Huancayo Valley, Peru
Rio De Janeiro Woman
Sacred Valley of the Inca Family
Sacred Valley of the Inca Workers
San Blas Culture in Panama
Smoking Rubber in Peru
The Montana Cannibals of the Pachitea River, Peru
Toba Chief in Paraguay
Tobas Culture in Argentina
Tobas Family in Argentina
Choroti Culture in Argentina
Upper Andean Amazon Native
Araucanian Family in Chile
Araucanian Family
Araucanian Women Spinning