Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala Gallery (1600)
A good aged vicar of eighty years
A pious hermit begs for the poor
A Spaniard travels
An Inca, a half-caste, and mulatto with the Corregidor
Applying the new law
Atahualpa is imprisoned
Atahualpa visiting the Spaniards
Challcuchima against the Canari
Creole festival
Don Cristobal Sayri Tupac Inca marries
He offers maidens to the Christians
How they apply penitence
How they confess them
How they make their women work
How they marry the Indians
Idols and huacas of the Antisuyus
Idols and huacas of the Chinchasuyus
Idols and huacas of the Collasuyus
Idols and huacas of the Cuntisuyus
Inca speaking to the huacas
Inspector of the roads
Pizarro and Almagro in Castile
Private life of Creoles, half-castes, and mulattoes
Private life of their wives
Ritual sacrifice of the llama
Ruminaui executing the Incas in Quito
Sayri Tupac receives the viceroy
The allies begin their campaign
The eighth Inca, Viracocha
The eleventh Inca, Huaina Capac
The execution of Atahualpa
The execution of Francisco Pizarro
The fifth Inca, Capac Yupanqui
The first Inca, Manco Capac
The fourth Inca, Maita Capac
The Franciscans are charitable
The grand alguazil in Hurin Cuzco
The grand treasurer, keeper of accounts
The high priest and the Inca
The Inca praying in Cuzco
The inspector of the bridges
The ninth Inca, Pachacutec Inca Yupanqui
The palace mayor in Hanan Cuzco
The provincial corregidor
The provincial administrator
The royal courier (Hatun Chasqui)
The second Inca, Sinchi Roca
The secretary of the Inca
The seventh Inca, Yahuar Huacac
The sixth Inca, Roca, with his son
The soothsayers
The Spaniards en route to Peru
The Spaniards visiting Atahualpa
The Tahuantinsuyu supreme council
The tenth Inca, Tupac Inca Yupanqui
The third Inca, Lloque Yupanqui
The traveling inspector of the Empire
The twelfth Inca, Huascar
There are also some good Christians
They cruelly punish little children
They fight
They gamble
They get drunk with half-castes and mulattoes