Maya Architecture Before Excavation
Uxmal- Eastern Nunnery Quadrangle
Kabah- Facade of Structure One
Uxmal- Pyramid of the Magician
Copan: Stela H
Palenque: East Court of the Palace
Menche: Lintel 24
Copan: Face of Altar R, Head of the Death-God
Quirigua: Stela F
Uxmal: Nunnery
Uxmal: Nunnery Western Facade 2
Uxmal: Nunnery Southern Facade 2
Uxmal: House of Doves 2
Chichen Itza: Casa de Monjas
Chichen Itza: Casa De Monjas East Wing
Menche: Lintel 23
Chichen Itza: Casa De Monjas 2
Chichen Itza: Group of Columns
Chichen Itza: La Iglesia
Chichen Itza: Portion near the Group of Columns
Dzibilchaltun-Temple with Sealed Doorway with Mask Panel
Hochob- Left Wing of Mask Panel
Hochob- Middle Portion of Mask Panel
Kabah- Casa 3
Labna- Palace
Labna- Palace West Wing
Labna- Structure North of Mask Panels
Sabacche- Principle Structure East Facade
Labna- The Southern Forum Arch
Sabacche- Temple
Tabasqueno- Northern Facade of Temple Mask Panel
Uxmal- House of the Doves
Uxmal- House of the Governor 2
Uxmal- House of the Governor 3
Uxmal- House of the Governor
Uxmal-Western Nunnery Quadrangle
Xlapak- Facade of Principle Temple