Maya Sculpture and Architectural Drawings by Frederick Catherwood
Frederick Catherwood (1789-1854) joined John Lloyd Stephens in his famous explorations in the Yucatan, Central America and Chiapas in 1841 and 1843.
Copan, Honduras Stela 1
Copan, Honduras Stela 2
Copan, Honduras Stela 3
Copan, Honduras Stela 4
Copan, Honduras Stela 5
Copan, Honduras Stela 6
Copan, Honduras Stela 7
Copan, Honduras Stela 8
Copan, Honduras Stela 9
Copan, Honduras Stela 10
Copan, Honduras Stela 11
Copan, Honduras Stela 12
Copan, Honduras Stela 13
Copan, Honduras Stela 14
Copan, Honduras Stela 15
Engraved Table 1
Engraved Table 2
Maya Architecture Drawings
Bolonchen Water Well
Chichen Itza- El Castillo
Chichen Itza 1
Chichen Itza Observatory
Chichen Itza 3
Chichen Itza- Gymnasium
Chichen Itza-Casa de las Monjas
Chichen Itza-Casa de las Monjas 2
Chichen Itza-La Iglesia
Ake Ruins
Chunhuhu 1
Chunhuhu 2
Chunhuhu 3
Chunhuhu 4
Chunhuhu 5
Inside Temple
Izamal- Gigantic Head
Labna 1
Labna 2
Labna 3 The Gateway
Labna 4 Gateway Interior
Labna 5
Chichen Itza 7
Sabachtsche 1
Sabachtsche 2
Tuloom 1
Tuloom 2
Tuloom 3
Tuloom 4
Tuloom 5
Zayi 1
Zayi 2