The Tomb of King Tutankhamen by Howard Carter
A Portrait of Tutankhamen
A Portrait Head of Tutankhamen
Anubis Guarding the Entrance of the Innermost Treasury
Interior of the Innermost Treasury
The God Anubis Upon His Gilded Pylon
The Alabaster Canopic Chest
The Statuette of King Tutankhamen representing the Youthful Warrior Horus
Back Panel of the Throne Depicting the King-and Queen
Entrance to the Tomb of Rameses VI
The Interior of the Tomb of Ramses IX
Removing Debris in Search of the Tomb of Tutankhamen
The King's Sceptres
View of the Royal Cemetery
The Entrance to the Tomb
16 Stairs
The King's Mannequin
Thoueris Couch Being Taken out of the Tomb
A Convoy of Antiquities Being Taken to the Laboratory
Carnarvon and Carter Opening the Sealed Doorway to the Sepulchral Chamber
Interior of the Burial Chamber
The Doorway to the Sepulchral Chamber
Interior of a Burial Chamber
The Shrine within the Sepulchre
The Gold Stick
Preparing the Guardian Statues for Transport
The Roof Section of the First Shrine Being Removed to the Antechamber
Opening the Door to the Second Shrine
Opening the Doors of the Fourth Shrine
Decoration on the Interior of the First State Chariot
Decoration of the Interior of the First State Chariot-Right-Side
Rolling Back the Linen Shroud that Covered the Second Coffin
Second Coffin as it lay in the Shell of the First
Demolishing Partition Wall Dividing the Antechamber from the Burial Chamber
The Examination of the Royal Mummy
A Floral and Bead Collarette, In Situ, Upon the Third Coffin
The Second Shrine
The First Coffin
View Full of the First Coffin
The Second Coffin
The Second Coffin
The King's Coffin
The Gold Mask of Tutankhamen